Contact Us

Office of the Australian Accounting Standards Board

General enquiries

Postal Address:
PO Box 204
Collins St West
VIC 8007

+61 (3) 9617 7600
1300 857 602

[email protected]

Publication enquiries

Phone: +61 (3) 9617 7600
Email: [email protected]

Technical enquiries

The AASB does not have the resources to provide a technical enquiry service. However, we are interested to hear about and discuss technical issues that might assist the AASB in identifying implementation issues relating to accounting standards.

AASB staff members are only able to participate in such discussions in a personal capacity, and raise factors to consider, rather than provide answers. Any such discussions are not a substitute for seeking paid professional advice. The latest versions of AASB standards are available here.


General information about the AASB is available here. AASB staff are not able to provide any further assistance to students in regards to assignments or other aspects of their studies.

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