Current Board Papers

Below are the public papers for 2021-2024 AASB Board Meetings.


Meeting 20 September 2024. (No. 209)

Agenda Item No. Document Title


Cover Memo: Climate-related Financial Disclosures


Legislation – Consideration of recent changes and related matters


Due process considerations


Ballot draft of Standard AASB S1 General Requirements for Disclosure of Sustainability-related Financial Information


Ballot draft of Standard AASB S2 Climate-related Disclosures, excluding the Basis for Conclusions


Marked-up file: Changes made to IFRS S1 text in the ballot draft AASB S1


Marked-up file: Changes made to IFRS S2 text in the ballot draft AASB S2

Meeting 5 - 6 September 2024. (No. 208)

Agenda Item No. Document Title
3.1 NFP Private Framework project cover memo and project update 
3.2 Draft AASB Exposure Draft ED 3XX – General Purpose Financial Statements: Not-for-Profit Private Sector Tier 3 Entities
3.3 Alternative drafting for notable relationships, transition provisions and staff analysis of impracticability exemption
3.4 Summary of the ED Tier 3 proposals and extent of simplifications against Tier 2 reporting requirements
3.12 Draft AASB Exposure Draft ED 3XX – General Purpose Financial Statements: Not-for-Profit Private Sector Tier 3 Entities (with supplementary notes to Board members)
4.0 Cover memo: Annual Improvements
4.1 Ballot draft AASB 2024-X Amendments to Australian Accounting Standards – Annual Improvements Volume 11
5.1 Staff paper - Review a draft Exposure Draft, consider sweep issues and decide on next steps to finalise an ED
5.2 Draft AASB Exposure Draft ED 3XY – Limiting the Ability of Not-for-Profit Entities to Prepare Special Purpose Financial Statements

PIR of AASB 1060 General Purpose Financial Statements – Simplified Disclosures for For-Profit and Not-for-Profit Tier 2 Entities and AASB 2020-2 Removal of Special Purpose Financial Statements for Certain
For-Profit Private Sector Entities


Staff paper - Working draft of SPR principles and related guidance


Staff analysis of other SPR-related Frameworks


Documents Open for Comment


Other Business - Public


Update on international and jurisdictional perspectives

Meeting 26 August 2024. (No. 207)

Agenda Item No. Document Title
3.0 Cover Memo: Climate-related Financial Disclosures
3.1.1 Introduction to Agenda Paper 3.1.2
3.1.2 Working draft Standard AASB S1 General Requirements for Disclosure of Sustainability-related Financial Information
3.1.3 Changes made to IFRS S1 text in Agenda Paper 3.1.2
3.2.1 Project scoping – Climate-related disclosures: Industry-based information
3.2.2 Other matters on climate-related financial disclosures
3.2.3 Introduction to Agenda Paper 3.2.4
3.2.4 Working draft Standard AASB S2 Climate-related Disclosures
3.2.5 Changes made to IFRS S2 text in Agenda Paper 3.2.4

Meeting 19 July 2024. (No. 206)

Agenda Item No. Document Title
4.0 Cover Memo: Climate-related Financial Disclosures
4.1.0 Executive Summary of Agenda papers 4.1.1 – 4.1.7
4.1.1 Presenting the core content of IFRS S1 in the ASRS Standards (SMC 1)
4.1.2 Conceptual Content (SMC 2)
4.1.3 Entities that do not have material climate related risks and opportunities (SMC 3)
4.1.4 References to the SASB Standards and Industry-based Guidance on Implementing IFRS S2 (SMC 4) and the requirement to consider ANZSIC when voluntarily making industry-based disclosures (SMC 5)
4.1.5 Statement expressly permitting voluntary disclosures (SMC 6)
4.1.6 Index Table (SMC 7)
4.1.7 Interim reporting (SMC 8)
4.2.0 Executive summary of Agenda Papers 4.2.1–4.2.4 regarding NFP entities and public sector entities
4.2.1 Modifications to the objective of [draft] ASRS 2 for NFP entities (SMCs 23–24)

Proportionality relief paragraphs for NFP entities (SMC 25)


Scalability of disclosures for NFP entities (SMCs 26–27)

4.2.4 NFP public sector considerations (SMCs 28–29)
4.3.0 Executive summary of Agenda Papers 4.3.1–4.3.4 regarding ED SR1’s General Matters for Comment
4.3.1 Application of the AASB Sustainability Reporting Standard-Setting Framework (GMC 30)
4.3.2 Regulatory issues (GMC 31)
4.3.3 Audit and Assurance challenges in relation to ED SR1 (GMC 32)
4.3.4 [Draft] ASRS Standards providing useful information for users and being in the best interest of the economy (GMCs 33–34)
4.3.5 Costs and benefits of applying the proposals in ED SR1 (GMC 35)

Meeting 26 June 2024. (No. 205)

Agenda Item No. Document Title
3.1 Staff Paper: Service Performance Reporting. A working definition of 'service'
4.0 Cover memo: Climate-related Financial Disclosures
4.1 Climate scenario analysis
4.2 Cross-industry remuneration disclosure
4.3 Scope 3 GHG emissions relief
4.4 Superannuation entities
4.5 Financed emissions (revised)
4.6 Carbon credits

Meeting 6-7 June 2024. (No. 204)

Agenda Item No. Document Title
3.1 NFP Private Framework project cover memo and project update
3.2 Tier 3 Exposure Draft Proposals – Business combinations and goodwill
3.3 Tier 3 Exposure Draft Proposals – Intangible assets other than goodwill
3.4 Tier 3 Exposure Draft Proposals – Approach to transitional requirements
4.1 Cover Memo: Presentation and Disclosure in Financial Statements
4.2 Summary of AASB’s comments on ED/2019/7
4.3 Considerations for not-for-profit, public sector and superannuation entities
4.4 Ballot draft version of AASB 18 Presentation and Disclosure in Financial Statements
4.4A Appendix D for Ballot draft version of AASB 18 Presentation and Disclosure in Financial Statements
4.5 Preliminary assessment document for Impact Analysis purposes
5.0 Cover memo: Climate-related Financial Disclosures
5.1 Non-mandatory ASRS 1
5.2 Scope of [draft] ASRS 2
5.3 Cross-industry metrics
5.4 Measurement method for GHG
5.5 Definition of greenhouse gases
5.6 CO2 equivalent conversion
5.7 Market-based Scope 2 GHG emissions
5.8 Scope 3 GHG emissions categories
6.1 Business Combinations – Disclosures, Goodwill and Impairment - Stakeholders feedback, staff analysis and recommendation
7.1 Proposed amendments to the Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting
7.2 Draft of an Exposure Draft
8.1 Income of Not-for-Profit Entities
9.1 Research Update
10.1 Document Open for Comment
11.1 Other Business - Public
12.1 Update on international and jurisdictional perspectives

Meeting 14 May 2024. (No. 203)

Agenda Item No. Document Title
3.1 Staff Paper: Preliminary overview of stakeholder feedback on EDSR1
4 no papers applicable for this agenda item
5 no papers applicable for this agenda item 


Meeting 16 April 2024. (No. 202)


Agenda Item No. Document Title
3.1 Cover Memo – Post-implementation Reviews: Superannuation Entities
3.2 Draft Feedback Statement – PIR AASB 1056 and Interpretation 1019
4.1 Revised project timeline
5.1 Update on international and jurisdictional perspectives
7.1 Documents Open for Comment
8.1 Other Business

Meeting 7-8 March 2024. (No. 201)


Agenda Item No. Document Title

SPR project plan

4.1 NFP Private Framework project cover memo and project update
4.2 Tier 3 Exposure Draft Proposals – non-financial assets acquired at significantly less than fair value and primary financial statements
4.3 Working draft of Tier 3 Exposure Draft
4.4 Summary of the application of the Board’s approach to drafting the Tier 3 Exposure Draft
5.1 Cover memo: Tier 2 Disclosures
5.2 Ballot Draft
6.1 NFP CF (incl. SAC 1 amendments)
7.1 PIR Superannuation Entities
7.2 Collation of comments
8.0 Cover memo: PIR NFP Income
8.1 PIR NFP Income
8.2 Grants received in arrears
8.3 Research grants
8.4 Statutory Receivables
9.1 Financial Instruments with Characteristics of Equity – Feedback summary and staff analysis
10.1 Research and PIR Update
10.2 PIR Project Update 
11.1 Documents Open for Comment
12.1 Other Business – Public
14.1 International Update


Meeting 29-30 November 2023. (No. 200)

Agenda Item No. Document Title
3.1 Subsidiaries without Public Accountability and AASB 1060
5.1 Cover memo and project update
5.2 Tier 3 Exposure Draft Proposals – consolidation, separate financial statements of parent, associates and joint ventures and related party disclosures

Tier 3 Exposure Draft Proposals – financial instruments, employee benefits, changes in accounting policies and estimates and correction of prior period accounting errors

7.1 Cover Memo: PIR Income of Not-for-Profit Entities
7.2 Sufficiently specific
7.3 Capital grants
7.4 TFC clauses
8.1 Timing and processes for considering IFRS 18 application issues for public sector and NFP entities and entities preparing Tier 2 GPFS
8.2 Comment letter from ACAG
8.3 Comment letter from HoTARAC
9.1 Research update
10.1 Documents Open for Comment
11.1 Other Business – Public
12.1 Sustainability Reporting: Update on International Jurisdictional Perspectives
12.2 GRI and IPSASB Update

Meeting 11 October 2023. (No. 199)

Agenda Item No. Document Title
3.1.0 Post-implementation Review: Decision making process
3.2.0 Cover Memo: NFP Income PIR
3.2.1 Feedback by Topic
3.2.2 Alternative Models
3.2.3 General Matters
3.2.4 Submissions on ITC 50 are available to view from the Current Projects / Closed for Comment (Pending) page.
3.2.5 Survey Responses
4.1 Supplier Finance Arrangements and Lack of Exchangeability Tier 2 Disclosures

Meeting 13-14 September 2023. (No. 198)

Please note that further papers will be added on 7 September 2023*.

Agenda Item No. Document Title
3.0 Cover Memo: NFP Private Framework
3.1 Tier 3 Exposure Draft Proposals – opt up, hierarchy, scoped out topics and abbreviated conceptual framework
4.1 Public consultation, outreach activities and timeline for climate-related financial disclosure requirements
5.1 Cover Memo: International Tax Reform – Pillar Two Model Rules: Tier 2 Disclosures
5.2 Ballot draft of AASB 2023-X
5.3 Submissions on ED325 are available to view from the Current Projects / Closed for Comment (Pending) page.
6.1 Staff analysis of the feedback received on ITC 52
6.2* Draft AASB submission to the IASB:  Post-implementation Review IFRS 9 Financial Instruments Impairment
7.1 Due Process and Standard-Setting Frameworks
7.2* Draft AASB Due Process Framework for Setting Australian Sustainability Reporting Standards
7.3 Draft AASB Sustainability Reporting Standard-Setting Framework
8.1 Decision-making process re Post-implementation Review feedback
8.2.0 Cover Memo: PIR Income of Not-For-Profit Entities
8.2.1 Feedback by Topic
8.2.2 Alternative models
8.2.3 Sufficiently specific criterion
8.2.4 TFC Clauses
8.2.5 General Matters
8.2.6 Submissions on ITC 50 are available to view from the Current Projects / Closed for Comment (Pending) page.
8.2.7 Survey Reponses
9.1 Research Update
10.1 Documents Open for Comment
11.1 Other Business - Public
12.1 Sustainability Reporting: Update on International Jurisdictional Perspectives

Meeting 8 August 2023. (No. 197)

Agenda Item No. Document Title
3.1 Staff Paper: ED development timeline
4.1.0 Staff Paper: Evaluation and assessment activities
6.1 Staff Paper: Approach to the baseline of IFRS S1—scope limitation
7.1.0 Approach to baseline of IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards—non-authoritative guidance
8.1 Approach to baseline of IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards—SASB Standards and industry-based guidance
9.1 Staff Paper: Approach to baseline of IFRS S2—GHG emissions intensity
9.2 Staff Paper: Approach to baseline of IFRS S2—Internal carbon prices
9.3 Staff Paper: Approach to baseline of IFRS S2—Remuneration disclosure requirements
10.1 Cover Memo: Approach to IFRS S1 and IFRS S2 – NFP considerations
10.2 Staff Paper: Staff suggested modifications to IFRS S1 and IFRS S2 to support sector neutrality
10.3 IPSASB’s Climate-Related Disclosures project brief
11.1 Update on international and jurisdictional perspectives
11.2 Sustainability Reporting: Update on GRI and IPSASB perspectives
12.1 Documents Open for Comment
13.1 Other Business - Public

Meeting 21-22 June 2023. (No. 196)

Agenda Item No. Document Title
3.0 Scope of the Climate-related Financial Disclosure project
4.0 AASB Work Plan
5.1 Cover Memo: Overview of comments received on ITC 49
5.2 Staff Paper: Stakeholder feedback on the scope and control criteria of AASB 1059
5.3 Staff Paper: Staff's preliminary suggestions regarding the scope and control criteria of AASB 1059
5.4 ITC 49 submission letters
6.1 Analysis of stakeholder feedback on franking credit disclosure requirements
7.1 Staff Paper: PIR of AASB 1056
7.2 Draft Invitation to Comment – Post-implementation Review of AASB 1056 and Interpretation 1019
8.1 Cover memo: Supplier finance arrangements
8.2 Ballot Draft Supplier finance arrangements
9.1 Cover memo: Project update and consideration of Ballot Draft of Amending Standard
9.2 Ballot draft:
AASB 2023-Y Amendments to Australian Accounting Standards – International Tax Reform – Pillar Two Model Rules
9.3 AASB Exposure Draft ED 322 International Tax Reform - Pillar Two Model Rules
9.4 AASB Comment Letter on IASB ED/2023/1 International Tax Reform—Pillar Two Model Rules
10.1.0 Cover memo NFP Financial Reporting
10.2.0 Tier 3 – Application of the drafting approach to selected topics
10.2.1 Tier 3 – Staff analysis and application of the drafting approach to selected topics
11.0 Staff analysis of the feedback received on ED 324 Amendments to the Classification and Measurement of Financial Instruments
12.1 Summary of Stakeholder Feedback on ED 323
12.2 Ballot draft:
AASB 2023-X Amendments to Australian Accounting Standards – Disclosure of Non-current Liabilities with Covenants: Tier 2
12.3 AASB ED 323 Disclosure of Non-current Liabilities with Covenants – Proposed Amendments to Tier 2
12.4 ED 323 comment letters
13.0 ISSB Request for Information Consultation on Agenda Priorities
13.1 Request for Information Consultation on Agenda Priorities
14.0 ISSB Exposure Draft Methodology for Enhancing the International Applicability of the SASB Standards and SASB Standards Taxonomy Updates
15.1 Update on international and jurisdictional perspectives.
15.2 Sustainability Reporting: Update on GRI and IPSASB perspectives 
16.1 Documents Open for Comment
17.1 Other Business – Public

Meeting 4 May 2023. (No. 195)

Agenda Item No. Document Title
3.0 Cover memo NFP Financial Reporting
3.1.0 Summary of feedback on Tier 3 Discussion Paper and next steps
3.1.1 Attachments: Detailed summary of feedback on the Tier 3 Discussion Paper and next steps
3.2 Tier 3 – Approach to drafting recognition and measurement requirements
3.3 Supporting document – Written Submissions
3.4 Supporting document – Survey results received
4.1 Cover memo: Service Performance Reporting
4.2 Staff paper: Working Assumptions
4.3 Staff paper: Baselines
4.4 Supporting document – Supplementary Baseline Information
5.1 Cover memo: PIR update
5.2 Staff paper: PIR of selected Public Sector Pronouncements
5.3 Draft Invitation to Comment - Post-implementation Review of Selected Public Sector Pronouncements

Staff paper: PIR of AASB 1056

7.1 Cover memo: Converting AASB 1056 to a legislative instrument
7.2 Draft proposal document
8.1 Updates on the key AASB Research Centre activities
8.2 AASB research report 18
8.3 AASB Research Centre Working Paper 23-01
9.1 Sustainability Reporting: Update on international and jurisdictional perspectives
9.2 Sustainability Reporting: Update on GRI and IPSASB perspectives
10.1 Documents Open for Comment
10.2 AASB 17 TRG submission to the IFRS IC
11.1 Other Business – Public

Meeting 8-9 March 2023. (No. 194)

Agenda Item No. Document Title
3.1 Cover memo Subsidiaries Without Public Accountability
3.2 Staff paper: Possible options for adoption in Australia
3.3 Extract of AASB Exposure Draft ED 314
3.4 Extract of staff paper from October 2021 meeting
3.5 AASB comment letter to IASB on ED/2021/7
4.1 Staff paper: Possible amendments to AASB 1060 following amendments to full IFRS Standards
4.2 Draft Exposure Draft
5.1 Cover Memo Post Implementation Review
5.2 Staff paper: PIR of selected public sector Standards
6.1 Draft project plan: Public Sector Long-term Discount and Inflation Rates
7.0 Cover memo Franking Credit Disclosures
7.1 Project Plan – Franking Credit Disclosures
7.2 Literature review
8.1 Cover memo NFP Financial Reporting
8.2 Preliminary summary feedback from outreach to 31 January 2023
8.3 Preliminary findings from the research on common transactions of smaller NFP private sector entities (charities)

Cover memo Pillar Two Global Minimum Tax

9.2 Draft Comment letter to the IASB
9.3 IASB Exposure Draft ED/2023/1 International Tax Reform–Pillar Two Model Rules
10.1 Research update
11.1 Documents Open for Comment
12.1 Other Business – Public
14.1.0 Draft Sustainability reporting standard-setting framework
14.1.1 [Draft] AASB Sustainability Reporting Standard-Setting Framework
15.1 Staff paper: Sustainability Reporting Update on international and jurisdictional perspectives
15.2 Update on GRI and public sector perspectives
16.1 Climate-related Financial Disclosure project plan
16.2 Approach to SASB Standards and the industry-based proposals in Appendix B to [Draft] IFRS S2


Meeting 1 February 2023. (No. 193)

Agenda Item No. Document Title
4.1 International and jurisdictional update
5.1 Cover memo: Sustainability Reporting and Climate-related Financial Reporting
5.2 Developing climate-related financial reporting requirements for Australia
5.3.0 [Draft] Climate-related Financial Reporting project plan
5.3.1 GRI 305 Emissions 2016 [Supporting Material]
5.3.2 GRI 302 Energy 2016 [Supporting Material]

Developing a draft sustainability reporting standard-setting framework

6.1.0 GSSB Draft Work Program 2023-2025
6.1.2 GSSB Draft Work Program 2023-2025 for public consultation

Meeting 14-15 December 2022. (No. 192)

Agenda Item No. Document Title
3.1 Cover Memo: Fair Value Measurement for Not-for-Profit Public Sector Entities
3.2 Analysis of stakeholder’s comments on certain proposed fair value principles
3.3 Staff’s suggested changes to Fatal-Flaw Review draft in response to stakeholders’ comments
3.4 Marked-up file showing suggested changes to make to the final Standard
3.5 Ballot Draft Standard AASB 2022-X Amendments to Australian Accounting Standards – Fair Value Measurement of Non-Financial Assets of Not-for-Profit Public Sector Entities
3.6 Submissions received on Fatal-Flaw Review draft Standards
4.1 Cover Memo: Insurance Activities in the Public Sector
4.2 Application date of AASB 17 for public sector entities
4.3 Ballot Draft Standard AASB 2022-X Amendments to Australian Accounting Standards – Insurance Contracts: Consequential Amendments
4.4 Staff analysis of feedback received on Fatal-Flaw Review Draft Standard
4.5 Marked-up file showing suggested changes to make to the final Standard
4.6 Ballot Draft Standard AASB 2022-Y Amendments to Australian Accounting Standards – Insurance Contracts in the Public Sector
4.7 Submissions received on Fatal-Flaw Review draft Standard
5.1 Sustainability Reporting - Update on international and jurisdictional perspectives
6.1 Staff Paper: Non-current liabilities with covenants
6.2 Ballot Draft Standard AASB 2022-Z Amendments to Australian Accounting Standards – Non-current Liabilities with Covenants
6.3 AASB Comment Letter on IASB ED/2021/9 Non-current Liabilities with Covenants
6.5 Cover Memo: Editorial corrections and repeals
6.6 Ballot Draft Standard AASB 2022-C Editorial Corrections to Australian Accounting Standards and Repeal of Superseded and Redundant Standards
7.1 Staff Paper: Service Performance Reporting - Background and education session
7.2 Exposure Draft ED 270 Reporting of Service Performance Information
7.3 Staff Paper 13.1 Reporting Service Performance Information – Comments on ED 270 (December 2016)
8.1 Staff paper: Intangible assets project plan
9.1 Research Update
10.1 Documents Open for Comment
11.1 Other Business – Public
11.2 CPA Letter


Meeting 10 November 2022. (No. 191)

Agenda Item No. Document Title
3.1 Cover memo: Sustainability Reporting
3.3.1 Update on International and jurisdictional perspectives Feedback summary—overview
3.2.2 Feedback summary—ED 321 Request for Comment on ISSB [Draft] IFRS S1 and [Draft] IFRS S2
3.2.3 Feedback summary—ISSB Exposure Draft on [Draft] IFRS S1
3.2.4 Feedback summary—ISSB Exposure Draft on [Draft] IFRS S2
3.3 Update on international and jurisdictional perspectives

IASB proposed amendments to IFRS for SMEs and potential effect on AASB 1060


IASB ED/2022/1 IFRS for SMEs Accounting Standard – Third edition of the IFRS for SMEs Accounting Standard

4.3 IASB ED/2022/1 IFRS for SMEs Accounting Standard – Third edition of the IFRS for SMEs Accounting Standard Basis for Conclusions
4.4 Exposure Draft — Snapshot IFRS for SMEs Accounting Standard – Third edition of the IFRS for SMEs Accounting Standard
5.1 Cover Memo: Insurance activities of public sector entities – Consequential amendments
5.2 Draft Standard showing suggested changes to make to the Fatal-Flaw Review draft version for the final Standard

Auditor Remuneration Disclosures – project update

6.2 NZASB Exposure Draft 2022-9 Disclosure of Fees Paid to Audit Firms (Proposed amendments to FRS-44)
7.1 Documents Open for Comment
8.1 Other Business – Public
9.1 Staff Paper: Lease Liability in a Sale and Leaseback
9.2 Ballot Draft: AASB 2022-X Amendments to Australian Accounting Standards – Lease Liability in a Sale and Leaseback
9.3 AASB Comment Letter on IASB ED/2020/4 Lease Liability in a Sale and Leaseback
9.4 Comment Letters received on ED 305

Meeting 21 September 2022. (No. 190)

<td">AASB-AUASB joint submission to the ISSB

Agenda Item No. Document Title
3.1.0 Sustainability Reporting Project update
3.1.2 Submissions to ED 321 and staff summary of survey responses to ED 321 Submissions from Australian stakeholders to the ISSB
(Submissions 1 – 25) Submissions from Australian stakeholders to the ISSB
(Submissions 26 - 50)
3.1.4 AOSSG comment letter submissions to the ISSB
3.2.0 Update on international and jurisdictional perspectives
4.1 Cover Memo: Insurance Activities in the Public Sector
4.2 Sub-grouping of insurance contracts
4.3 Initial recognition when insurance contracts are onerous
4.4 Coverage period and eligibility for the premium allocation approach
4.5 Indicators for identifying arrangements within the scope of the Standard
4.6 Risk adjustments
4.7 Captive insurers
4.8 Regulatory and other issues
5.1 Research update
6.1 Other Business
7.1 Docs open for comment
8.1 Cover Memo: Fair Value Measurement for Not-for-Profit Entities
8.2 Scope of the project
8.3 Highest and best use
8.4 Market participant assumptions
8.5 Application of the cost approach
8.6 Application and due process
8.7 Comment letters received on ED 320
9.1 Cover Memo
9.2 NFP PIRs – Summary of feedback from initial targeted outreach on certain topics
9.3 NFP PIRs – Summary of findings from academic and non-academic literature review
9.4 Cover memo – NFP PIR ITCs
9.4.1 NFP PIRs – Draft Invitation to Comment - Post-implementation Review Income of Not-for-Profit Entities
9.4.2 NFP PIRs – Draft Invitation to Comment - Post-implementation Review Certain Australian Accounting Standard Requirements for Not-for-Profit Entities

Meeting 3 August 2022. (No. 189)

Agenda Item No. Document Title
3.1 Cover memo Not-for-Profit Private Sector Financial Reporting Framework
3.2.1 Tier 3 – Draft Discussion Paper
3.2.2 Tier 3 – Summary of sweep and other issues
4.1 Cover Memo: Insurance Contracts in the Public Sector
4.2 Indicators for determining which arrangements are within the scope of the Standard
4.3 Risk adjustments in measuring insurance liabilities
4.4 Emerging issues: adverse development covers, investment components
4.5 Comment letters received on AASB ED 319 and NZASB ED 2022-3
4.6 Bank depositor compensation schemes
5.1 Cover Memo
6.0 Staff paper: Update on international sustainability reporting
7.1 Cover Memo: IPSASB Sustainability consultation paper
8.1 Cover Memo
8.2 NFP domestic PIRs
8.3.1 Cover Memo: PIR of AASB 1059
8.3.2 [Working Draft] ITC: PIR of AASB 1059
9.1 Other Business
10.1 Documents open for comment

Meeting 22-23 June 2022. (No. 188)

Agenda Item No. Document Title
4.1 Cover memo: Sustainability Reporting
4.2.0 Staff paper: Overview of IPSASB Consultation Paper Advancing Public Sector Sustainability Reporting
4.2.1 IPSASB Consultation Paper Advancing Public Sector Sustainability Reporting
4.3.0 Key themes from feedback received to date
5.0 Cover Memo: Audit Engagement-related Disclosures
5.1 XRB Paper on Disclosure of Fees paid to Audit Firms
6.1 NFP Domestic Post-Implementation Reviews
7.1 Research update
8.1 Cover memo: Agenda Consultation
8.2 Staff paper: Proposed responses to feedback
8.3 Staff Paper: Balance of the AASB’s activities
9.1 Other Business – Public
10.1 Documents open for comment
11.1 Report on AASB 17 TRG
12.1.0 Cover memo Not-for-Profit Private Sector Financial Reporting Framework Tier 3 – Financial Instruments: Supporting document: Tier 3 – Financial Instruments background previously presented in May 2022
12.2.2 Tier 3 – Financial Instruments: Measurement
12.2.3 Tier 3 – Financial Instruments: Hedge accounting and Embedded Derivates
12.2.4 Tier 3 - Financial Instruments: Derecognition
12.3.1 Tier 3 – Disclosure approach for key topics
12.3.2 Tier 3 – Application of the recommended disclosure approach to transactions covered in the Tier 3 Standards
13.2 Ballot Draft of Amending Standard AASB 2022-X Amendments to Australian Accounting Standards – Disclosures in Special Purpose Financial Statements of Certain For-Profit Private Sector Entities

Meeting 18 May 2022. (No. 187)

Agenda Item No. Document Title
3.1 Cover memo Agenda Consultation
3.2 Summary of feedback received
3.3 AASB Agenda Consultation Roundtable feedback received
3.4 ITC 46 submissions and summary
4.1 Cover memo Post-Implementation Reviews
4.2 NFP domestic PIRs
4.3 Project plan – PIR of AASB 1059 Service Concession Arrangements: Grantors
5.0 Cover memo Not-for-Profit Private Sector Financial Reporting Framework
5.1.1 Tier 3 – Revenue/Income – determining distinction for the accounting for inflows of resources
5.1.2 Tier 3 – Revenue/Income – requiring assessment of sufficient specific criteria
5.1.3 Supporting document: High-level scenarios and other supporting materials
5.2.1 Tier 3 – Financial instruments – background
5.2.2 Tier 3 – Financial instruments – coverage and measurement
6.1 Cover memo Sustainability Reporting
6.2.0 [Draft] Sustainability Reporting project plan
6.2.1 ED 321 Request for Comment on ISS [Draft] IFRS S1 General Requirements for Sustainability-related Financial Information and [Draft] IFRS S2 Climate-related Disclosures
6.3 Update on selected international and jurisdictional perspectives
7.1 Other Business
7.2 IPSASB Report
8.1 Docs open for comment


Meeting 7 April 2022. (No. 186)

Agenda Item No. Document Title
2.4 Cover Memo Other Business
3.1.0 Sustainability Reporting Cover Memo
3.2.0 Proposed project scope
3.2.1 GRI 1 Foundation 2021
3.2.2 GRI 2 General Disclosures 2021
3.2.3 GRI 3 Material Topics 2021
3.3.1 TRWG Climate-related Disclosures prototype standard
3.3.2 TRWG Climate-related Disclosures Prototype—Supplement: Technical Protocols for Disclosure Requirements
3.4.0 General Requirements for Disclosure of Sustainability-related Financial Information Prototype
3.4.1 TRWG General Requirements for Disclosure of Sustainability-related Financial Information prototype standard
4.1 Not-for-Profit Private Sector Financial Reporting Framework Cover memo
4.2.0 Tier 3 – Impairment
4.2.1 Supporting document: Detailed requirement of impairment in Australian Accounting Standards
4.3 Tier 3 – Initial measurement of donated/granted non-financial assets and inventory

Analysis of feedback on ED 318, staff recommendations and next steps


Submission letters on ED 318.

These can can be accessed from ED 318 located on the Current Projects / Pending page of the AASB website

Meeting 23-24 February 2022. (No. 185)

Agenda Item No. Document Title
3.1 Cover memo: Sustainability Reporting

Background to global sustainability reporting

3.3 Australian and selected jurisdictional perspectives

Feedback summary—ITC 46 AASB Agenda Consultation 2022-2026


Feedback summary—ITC 48 Extended External Reporting


Submissions received in response to ITC 48


Further Submission received in response to ITC 48


Preliminary academic literature review


Positioning sustainability reporting requirements in Australia


The proposed Australian perspective


Staff Paper: AASB Agenda Consultation


Submissions for ITC 46


ITC 46 Submission Letter


Cover Memo: Insurance Activities in the Public Sector


Staff Paper: Feedback on field test of proposed indicators of activities within the scope of AASB 17


Draft Exposure Draft – Public sector modifications to AASB 17


Draft Fatal-Flaw Review version of amending Standard – Consequential amendments


Staff paper: Analysis of stakeholder feedback on ED 316

7.2 Exposure Draft ED 316 – Non-current liabilities with covenants
7.3 Summary of stakeholder feedback to ED 316

Staff paper: Extending Transition Relief under AASB 1


Submissions received on ED 315


AASB Exposure Draft ED 315 Extending Transition Relief under AASB 1


Cover Memo: Fair Value Measurement for NFP Entities


Staff Paper: Market participant assumptions


Working draft Exposure Draft


Staff Paper: Research update


Cover Memo: Project overview


Staff paper: Tier 3 – Investment Property and Property, Plant and Equipment


Staff paper: Tier 3 – Employee Benefits


Staff paper: Tier 3 – Revenue/Income (preliminary discussion)


Supporting documents: Detailed requirement of income pronouncements from other standard setters


Research study


Staff paper: staff analysis of the feedback received on ED 317


Summary of feedback for ED 317


Staff paper: SPFS disclosures for certain for-profit private sector entities


Preliminary assessment for RIS purposes


Pre-ballot draft of amending Standard re SPFS disclosures


Documents open for comment


Cover Memo: Other Business – Public


Post-implementation review IFRS 9 - Classification and Measurement

15.2 IPA Letter to AASB on Exposure draft ED 2021/3 Disclosure Requirements in IFRS Standards – A Pilot Approach

IPSASB meeting report – December 2021


Meeting 10-11 November 2021. (No. 184)

Agenda Item No. Document Title
3.1 Cover memo: Fair Value Measurement for Not-for-Profit Entities
3.2 Staff paper: Draft modifications to AASB 13
3.3 Staff paper: Other measurement issues on which guidance has been requested
4.1 Staff Paper: Consideration of proposals and comparison to AASB 1060
5.1 Cover Memo: Insurance Activities in the Public Sector
5.2 Staff paper: Working draft ED

Staff paper: Risk adjustment – alignment of confidence levels

6.1 Cover Memo: Review of Intangible Assets Accounting Requirements – Revised Draft Staff Paper
7.1 Cover memo: Project overview
7.2 Staff paper: Tier 3 – primary financial statements
7.3 Staff paper: Tier 3 – leases
8.1 Staff paper: Alternative approaches to address disclosure problems
11.1 Staff Paper: Income of Not-for-Profit Entities (AASB 1058 and AASB 15 NFP guidance) – narrow-scope amendments
11.2 Staff Paper: Measurement of right-of-use assets from concessionary leases
12.1 Research Update
13.1 Documents open for comment
14.1 Cover memo: First-time adoption of AASB 1 by a subsidiary Exposure Draft
14.2 Pre ballot draft: Exposure Draft ED 3XX Application of AASB 1 by an Australian Subsidiary of an Overseas Parent – Transition Relief 
15.1 Staff paper: IASB ED/2021/6 proposals staff analysis
16.1 Staff paper: Disclosure of Accounting Policies – Proposed Amendments to Tier 2 and other Australian Accounting Standards
16.2 Pre-ballot Draft: AASB 2021-X Amendments to Australian Accounting Standards – Disclosure of Accounting Policies: Tier 2 and Other Australian Accounting Standards
17.0 Cover Memo: Other Business – Public
17.2 IPSASB meeting report – September 2021
17.3 Deferring the effective date of 2014 amendments to AASB 10 and AASB 128


Meeting 8-9 September 2021. (No. 183)

Agenda Item No.

Document Title


Cover memo


Staff Paper: Draft Comment Letter on IASB’s Third Agenda Consultation


Cover memo


Staff paper: Income of Not-for-Profit Entities


Staff paper: AASB draft ITC Agenda Consultation process


Draft ITC XX AASB Agenda Consultation 2022-2026


Staff paper: Education session and summary of feedback received to date on ED 311 Management Commentary


Slide deck on overview of ED 311 Management Commentary


Staff paper:  First-time adoption of AASB 1 by a subsidiary


Research Update


Documents open for comment


Cover memo: Insurance Activities in the Public Sector


Staff paper: Identifying and accounting for onerous contracts and related unit of account issues


Staff paper: Redeliberation of Scope and Risk adjustment topics


Staff paper: Measurement of investments backing insurance liabilities


Staff paper: Risk mitigation program costs and other similar costs


Staff paper: Captive insurers


Staff paper: Application of accounting policies for omitted topics and application of higher tier requirements


Cover memo: IPSASB Exposure Drafts on Public Sector Measurement


Staff paper: Summary of stakeholder feedback


Staff paper: Working draft submission


Staff Paper: Post Implementation Review Overview


Draft work plan for forthcoming Post-implementation Reviews of domestic Standards and Interpretations


Staff paper: summary and analysis of stakeholder feedback


Cover Memo: Other Business – Public


IPSASB meeting report – June and July 2021

Meeting 4 August 2021. (No. 182)

Agenda Item No.

Document Title


Staff paper: Business Combinations under Common Control


Cover memo: Primary objective and staff analysis and recommendations on topics to be included in Tier 3 discussion paper


Staff paper: Primary objective of setting Tier 3


Staff paper: Change in accounting policies and correction of errors


Cover memo


Staff paper: Working draft submission


Documents open for comment

Meeting 21-22 June 2021. (No. 181)

Agenda Item No.

Document Title


Cover memo: Staff analysis and recommendation on certain topics to be included in Tier 3 discussion paper


Staff Paper: Setting of Tier 3 reporting requirements in the context of Australian Accounting Standards


Staff paper: Tier 3 reporting control and related entities


Staff Paper: Agenda Consultation


Staff Paper: IASB Third Agenda Consultation


Staff Paper: Proposed amendments to the IFRS Foundation’s Constitution to Accommodate an International Sustainability Standards Board


Research Update


Staff paper: Regulatory Assets and Liabilities


Cover memo: Audit engagement-related disclosures


Staff paper: Audit Tenure



 Staff paper: Auditor Remuneration


Cover memo: Going Concern


Summary of AASB Virtual Roundtable on AASB ITC 42 Business Combinations under Common Control


Cover Memo: Project plan


Staff Paper: Overview of IPSASB EDs and the scope of the AASB’s submission to the IPSASB


Staff Paper: Current value measurement of operational assets


Cover Memo


Staff Paper: Discounting and inflating under AASB 17/NZ IFRS 17 by public sector entities


Staff Paper: Eligibility for the PAA under AASB 17/NZ IFRS 17 for public sector entities


Principles for assessing the applicability of disclosure-only amendments to Tier 1 Standards to AASB 1060


Possible amendments to AASB 1060 and other Standards following amendments to full IFRS Standards


AASB 1058 Income of Not-for-Profit Entities targeted outreach


Documents open for comment by other organisations


Cover memo - Other Business – Public


Ballot Draft AASB 2021-X Amendments to Australian Accounting Standards – Deferred Tax related to Assets and Liabilities arising from a Single Transaction

Meeting 20-21 April 2021. (No. 180)

Agenda Paper No. Document Title
3.1 SAC 1 for NFP entities and principles for Tier 3 reporting requirements
3.2 Scope of the NFP FRF discussion paper
3.3 Principles for Tier 3 reporting requirements
4.1 Further staff analysis and recommendation on responses to ED 291
4.2 Working Draft of the Amending Standard – NFP Definition and Guidance
6.0 Cover memo: Review of Intangible Assets Accounting Requirements – Update on Draft Staff Report
7.1 Staff Paper: Measurement of GORTO liability under the modified retrospective transition approach
8.0 Staff Paper: AASB Agenda Consultation
9.1 Staff Paper: PIR IFRS 10,11,12 Feedback
9.2 ITC 43 Submission – HoTARAC
10.1 Cover Memo Insurance Activities in the Public Sector
10.2 Staff Paper: Scope of application of AASB 17/NZ IFRS 17 to public sector entities
10.3 Staff Paper: Risk adjustments for non-financial risk
11.0 Staff Paper: Going Concern
13.0.0 Cover memo: Other business
13.1 Staff Paper: Documents open for comment
13.2 IPSASB Report – March 2021


Meeting 24-25 February 2021. (No. 179)

Agenda Paper No. Document Title
3.1 Staff paper: Scope of application of AASB 17/ PBE IFRS 17 to public sector entities
3.2 Staff paper: Joint AASB-NZASB project objectives and next steps
4.1 Agenda Consultation
5.1 Staff paper: Cover memo-Scope of the public consultation document
5.2 Staff paper: Possible differential reporting Tiers for not-for-profit private sector entities
5.3 Staff paper: Applicability of the different tiers to not-for-profit private sector entities
5.4 Staff paper: Scope of NFP FRF project – Service Performance Reporting
6.1 Slide deck: BCUCC DP Education Session
7.1 Staff paper: Analysis of submission on ED 306 and staff recommendations
8.1 Research Update
10.1 Staff paper: AASB SMCs to accompany IPSASB EDs relating to Measurement
10.2 Draft AASB ITC document to be issued together with IPSASB EDs
10.3 Staff paper: High-level summary of survey results
11.1.0 Staff paper: Auditor Remuneration Disclosures
12.0 Cover memo: Documents open for comment
12.1.1 Staff paper: ED 305 Lease liability in a Sale and Leaseback
13.0 Cover memo: other business - public
13.4 IPSASB report, December 2020


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