Gifts & Benefits Register

In the course of official duties, officials of the AASB received the following gifts and/or benefits where the value exceeds $A100 (excluding GST).

01 October 2023 - 31 December 2023

Date Received Gift/item/benefit/services Received by (agency contact if not received directly by agency head) Presented by (giver's name, organisation/country) Occasion Estimated value in $ (wholesale value in country of origin or current market value in Aus
23/11/2023 Complimentary or subsidised business event (e.g. conference) Siobhan Hammond Samuel Prestige

Dinner with ISSB staff whilst attending AOSSG Annual Meeting


01 July 2023 - 30 September 2023

Date Received Gift/item/benefit/services Received by (agency contact if not received directly by agency head) Presented by (giver's name, organisation/country) Occasion Estimated value in $ (wholesale value in country of origin or current market value in Aus
15/08/2023 Complimentary or subsidised business event (e.g. conference), Other, Airfare Keith Kendall Korea Accounting Institute - Korea Sustainability Standards Board Guest speaker at the KAI-KASSB International Sustainability Seminar $6,175
19/08/2023 Meal, Other, Gift - cultural item, day tour Siobhan Hammond Korea Accounting Institute - Korea Sustainability Standards Board Attendance to the KAI-KASSB International Sustainability Seminar $1,000
26/08/2023 Complimentary or subsidised non-business event tickets (e.g. concert or sporting event) Siobhan Hammond University of Western Australia UWA Graduate Management Association black-tie dinner $350

01 April 2023 - 30 June 2023

Date Received Gift/item/benefit/services Received by (agency contact if not received directly by agency head) Presented by (giver's name, organisation/country) Occasion Estimated value in $ (wholesale value in country of origin or current market value in Aus
24/04/2023 As a panel member for Preparing for Mandatory Climate and Sustainability Reporting Disclosures in Australia, AASB received return flights & accommodation. Keith Kendall Deloitte Deloitte Accounting & Auditors Partners Meeting. $1,703.00
25/04/2023 Complimentary or subsidised business event (e.g. conference), Other, Airfare Keith Kendall Korean Accounting Standards Board KSSB international Sustainability Reporting Seminar $5,554.55

01 January 2023 - 31 March 2023

Date Received Gift/item/benefit/services Received by (agency contact if not received directly by agency head) Presented by (giver's name, organisation/country) Occasion Estimated value in $ (wholesale value in country of origin or current market value in Aus

01 October 2022 - 31 December 2022

Date Received Gift/item/benefit/services Received by (agency contact if not received directly by agency head) Presented by (giver's name, organisation/country) Occasion Estimated value in $ (wholesale value in country of origin or current market value in Aus
8/11/2022 AASB received two places for virtual attendance to the GRI Academy to achieve GRI Professional Certification. Siobhan Hammond Global Reporting Initiative GRI Professional Certification Program $3,882.00

01 July 2022 - 30 September 2022

Date Received Gift/item/benefit/services Received by (agency contact if not received directly by agency head) Presented by (giver's name, organisation/country) Occasion Estimated value in $ (wholesale value in country of origin or current market value in Aus
03/7/2022 Scarf and cup, a thank you gift after the presentation. Keith Kendall AFAANZ AFAANZ Conference $42
04/7/2022 AFAANZ Conference provided AASB with a conference booth so that AFAANZ attendants could better engage with AASB staff. Eric Lee AFAANZ AFAANZ Conference $3,300
09/09/2022 RMIT branded tie and pen as a thank you gift after Keith Kendall presented. Keith Kendall RMIT RMIT 

01 April 2022 - 30 June 2022

Date Received Gift/item/benefit/services Received by (agency contact if not received directly by agency head) Presented by (giver's name, organisation/country) Occasion Estimated value in $ (wholesale value in country of origin or current market value in Aus
10/6/2022 Complimentary business Ao Li AFAANZ AFAANZ Conference $550
10/6/2022 Complimentary business Eric Lee AFAANZ AFAANZ Conference $550


01 January 2022 - 31 March 2022

Date Received Gift/item/benefit/services Received by (agency contact if not received directly by agency head) Presented by (giver's name, organisation/country) Occasion Estimated value in $ (wholesale value in country of origin or current market value in Aus


01 October 2020 - 31 December 2021

Date Received Gift/item/benefit/services Received by (agency contact if not received directly by agency head) Presented by (giver's name, organisation/country) Occasion Estimated value in $ (wholesale value in country of origin or current market value in Aus


01 July 2021 - 30 September 2021

Date Received Gift/item/benefit/services Received by (agency contact if not received directly by agency head) Presented by (giver's name, organisation/country) Occasion Estimated value in $ (wholesale value in country of origin or current market value in Aus


01 April 2021 - 30 June 2021


Date Received Gift/item/benefit/services Received by (agency contact if not received directly by agency head) Presented by (giver's name, organisation/country) Occasion Estimated value in $ (wholesale value in country of origin or current market value in Aus
21/06/2021 Complimentary business Tom Liassis AFAANZ AFAANZ Conference $115
21/06/2021 Complimentary business Eric Lee AFAANZ AFAANZ Conference $115
21/06/2021 Complimentary business Keith Kendall
AFAANZ AFAANZ Conference $115
21/06/2021 Complimentary business Ao Li AFAANZ AFAANZ Conference $115

01 January 2021 - 31 March 2021

Date Received Gift/item/benefit/services Received by (agency contact if not received directly by agency head) Presented by (giver's name, organisation/country) Occasion Estimated value in $ (wholesale value in country of origin or current market value in Aus


01 October 2020 - 31 December 2020

Date Received Gift/item/benefit/services Received by (agency contact if not received directly by agency head) Presented by (giver's name, organisation/country) Occasion Estimated value in $ (wholesale value in country of origin or current market value in Aus

01 July 2020 - 30 September 2020

Date Received Gift/item/benefit/services Received by (agency contact if not received directly by agency head) Presented by (giver's name, organisation/country) Occasion Estimated value in $ (wholesale value in country of origin or current market value in Aus
4/7/2020 Complimentary  business   Keith Kendall
AFAANZ AFAANZ Conference $115.00
6/7/2020 Complimentary  business  Fridrich Housa AFAANZ AFAANZ Conference $115.00
6/7/2020 Complimentary  business  Patricia Au AFAANZ AFAANZ Conference $115.00
6/7/2020 Complimentary  business  James Barden AFAANZ AFAANZ Conference $115.00
6/7/2020 Complimentary  business  Ao Li AFAANZ AFAANZ Conference $115.00
6/7/2020 Complimentary  business  Kimberley Carney AFAANZ AFAANZ Conference $115.00


01 April 2020 - 30 June 2020

Date Received Gift/item/benefit/services Received by (agency contact if not received directly by agency head) Presented by (giver's name, organisation/country) Occasion Estimated value in $ (wholesale value in country of origin or current market value in Aus

01 January 2020 - 31 March 2020

Date Received Gift/item/benefit/services Received by (agency contact if not received directly by agency head) Presented by (giver's name, organisation/country) Occasion Estimated value in $ (wholesale value in country of origin or current market value in Aus


18 October 2019 - 31 December 2019

Date Received Gift/item/benefit/services Received by (agency contact if not received directly by agency head) Presented by (giver's name, organisation/country) Occasion Estimated value in $ (wholesale value in country of origin or current market value in Aus


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