Prof. Carolyn Cordery

BBus, MAcc

Prof Carolyn Cordery PhD MCA FCA FCPA

Carolyn Cordery was appointed Chair of the New Zealand Accounting Standards Board from 2021, building on her prior regulatory work. She is an Adjunct Professor at Victoria University of Wellington and also holds other honorary and visiting professor positions in the UK and Europe. Much of Carolyn’s research is based on international comparisons of not-for-profit organisations' accounting, the impact of their resourcing, and the regulations that define their General Purpose Financial Reports and she is currently a member of the Practitioner Advisory Group of the IFR4NPO project (International Financial Reporting for Non Profit Organisations). Carolyn also researches public sector audit as a means of accountability, has undertaken a number of commissioned research projects, published internationally, and is on the editorial board of a number of academic journals. Prior to joining academia, Carolyn held financial accounting roles in industry and, in the 1990s, was a member of the New Zealand Stock Exchange.

Professionally, Carolyn is a Fellow of CPA Australia and Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand.

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