The portal is an initiative of the AASB to improve the accessibility, functionality and usability of the Standards and other pronouncements issued by the AASB that apply to reporting periods beginning on or after 1 July 2021. It is best viewed using Google Chrome.
The portal covers AASB Standards, Interpretations, Conceptual Framework documents, Statement of Accounting Concepts, Practice Statements and AASB Agenda Decisions.
An Introduction to the Portal document is linked on the home page of the portal. It lists the major features of the portal, including the various listings of pronouncements, active cross-references, links from Standards to Interpretations, amending Standards and other related materials, and word search functions. Definitely worth a look for an overview!
The home page and current period listings of the pronouncements web portal currently present the versions of the pronouncements that apply mandatorily to the 2024 calendar year. The listings are periodically reset to link the versions for a new calendar year or financial year. This is designed to keep the listings relevant to the preparation of financial statements typically taking place at the time. Portal users may need to clear their internet caches to update the listings when the preset reporting period has been changed.
Another document on the home page of the portal sets out the new Standards applying mandatorily to recent financial years. It has been updated for the 2024/25 financial year. This lists the pronouncements (including amending Standards) that are mandatory for the particular regular financial year for the first time.
The Future Periods listings show the versions of pronouncements that apply only to later periods than the currently specified reporting period, such as periods beginning on or after 1 January 2025. These listings also provide links to uncompiled amending Standards that apply only to later periods as well.
The third type of period listings in the portal is created by the portal user through the By Reporting Period search facility, which permits a portal user to specify their own reporting period (up to 13 months in length).
Dive into the portal to see how it can help you in applying AASB pronouncements!