AASB SSRN Working Papers Series

The Australian Accounting Standards Board’s SSRN Working Paper Series is designed to bring cutting edge research in the field of accounting standards in a timely manner to as wide an audience as possible.

Working papers at an advanced stage of development are invited for consideration for inclusion in the Working Paper Series. Selection is based primarily upon relevance to the AASB’s work agenda (both research and technical), which places an emphasis on the use of Australian data.

All working papers accepted into the Working Paper Series will be considered at Board level by the AASB, as well as staff, for influence on specific projects. Consequently, all working papers accepted will have an impact on the AASB’s output.

While not peer-reviewed, all working papers submitted will be subjected to a review process to assess suitability and potential for impact. All working papers accepted, therefore, have met the requirements of relevance and potential for impact to be considered by the AASB in formulating appropriate policy matters and the standard setting process

The AASB working papers are published at the AASB SSRN, which is managed by the AASB Research Centre.

These working papers are not refereed, and in most cases, these working papers constitute “work in progress” that would be published in scholarly, peer-reviewed journals.

If you wish to cite the paper, please contact the lead author or [email protected] to ensure you have obtained the most up-to-date paper and appropriate citation.

The views expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the AASB.

If you wish to submit a working paper, please click here.

Paper No. Title Accepted
22-01 Earnings management in Australian Not-for-profit disability services  Apr 2022
22-02 Presentation prominence: Does it matter to non-professional investors? The case of 'Other Comprehensive Income' Apr 2022
22-03 How important are semi-annual earnings announcements? An information event perspective Apr 2022
22-04 Accounting and Accountability for No Net Loss of Biodiversity Sep 2022
22-05 Building trust with material and immaterial CSR: Benefits and consequences Oct 2022
22-06 Reporting and Assurance of Material Climate Risks: Evidence from Australia Dec 2022
23-01 Improving the Visibility of Soil Health in Corporate Reporting Apr 2023
23-02 Sustainability and Service Performance Disclosure Beyond Institution Requirements May 2023
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