Below are the public papers for 2024 -2025 AASB Board Meetings.
Refer to the Prior Board Papers page for access to papers issued 2016 - 2023.
Agenda Item No. | Document Title |
3.1 |
Feedback Analysis |
Cover memo: Potential Tier 2 Disclosures |
Cover memo: Tier 2 Disclosures |
Ballot Draft of amending Standard AASB2025-X |
5.3 |
Draft Explanatory Statements |
Submission on ED 322 |
Cover Memo - Project update: consider preliminary feedback on ED 334 and ED 335 |
Preliminary summary of feedback on ED 334 |
Preliminary summary of feedback on ED 335 | |
Preliminary categorisation of the ED 335 proposals | |
Cover Memo: PIR Not-For-Profit Topics – Related party disclosures and Basis of preparation of special purpose financial statements | |
Topic 4 of ITC 51: Basis of preparation of special purpose financial statements – disclosures about compliance with Australian Accounting Standards | |
Topic 3 of ITC 51: Related party disclosures by NFP public sector entities | |
Research Update | |
Cover Memo - Climate-related Financial Disclosure project plans | |
9.1 | Implementation [draft] project plan |
Proportionality [draft] project plan | |
Industry-based information [draft] project plan | |
SR Update | |
ISSB amendments | |
Open for Comment | |
Other Business - Public |
Agenda Item No. | Document Title |
ED331 Feedback Analysis |
ED 331 Submission Letters 1 - 10 |
Staff Paper: Ballot draft AASB 1048 |
Ballot Draft of AASB 1048 |
Staff Paper: Deferring the effective date of 2014 amendments to AASB 10 and AASB 128 |
Ballot Draft Effective Date of Amendments to AASB 10 and AASB 128 |
Cover Memo: Climate-related financial disclosure requirements for NFP public sector entities |
Staff Paper: Proposed next steps and timeline |
AASB Work Program |
Research and post-implementation review updates |
Documents Open for Comment |
Other Business - Public |
Update on international and jurisdictional perspectives |
Agenda Item No. | Document Title |
Cover Memo: Climate-related Financial Disclosures |
Legislation – Consideration of recent changes and related matters |
Due process considerations |
Ballot draft of Standard AASB S1 General Requirements for Disclosure of Sustainability-related Financial Information |
Ballot draft of Standard AASB S2 Climate-related Disclosures, excluding the Basis for Conclusions |
Marked-up file: Changes made to IFRS S1 text in the ballot draft AASB S1 |
Marked-up file: Changes made to IFRS S2 text in the ballot draft AASB S2 |
Agenda Item No. | Document Title |
3.1 | NFP Private Framework project cover memo and project update |
3.2 | Draft AASB Exposure Draft ED 3XX – General Purpose Financial Statements: Not-for-Profit Private Sector Tier 3 Entities |
3.3 | Alternative drafting for notable relationships, transition provisions and staff analysis of impracticability exemption |
3.4 | Summary of the ED Tier 3 proposals and extent of simplifications against Tier 2 reporting requirements |
3.12 | Draft AASB Exposure Draft ED 3XX – General Purpose Financial Statements: Not-for-Profit Private Sector Tier 3 Entities (with supplementary notes to Board members) |
4.0 | Cover memo: Annual Improvements |
4.1 | Ballot draft AASB 2024-X Amendments to Australian Accounting Standards – Annual Improvements Volume 11 |
5.1 | Staff paper - Review a draft Exposure Draft, consider sweep issues and decide on next steps to finalise an ED |
5.2 | Draft AASB Exposure Draft ED 3XY – Limiting the Ability of Not-for-Profit Entities to Prepare Special Purpose Financial Statements |
6.1 |
PIR of AASB 1060 General Purpose Financial Statements – Simplified Disclosures for For-Profit and Not-for-Profit Tier 2 Entities and AASB 2020-2 Removal of Special Purpose Financial Statements for Certain |
7.1 |
Staff paper - Working draft of SPR principles and related guidance |
7.2 |
Staff analysis of other SPR-related Frameworks |
8.1 |
Documents Open for Comment |
9.1 |
Other Business - Public |
10.1 |
Update on international and jurisdictional perspectives |
Agenda Item No. | Document Title |
3.0 | Cover Memo: Climate-related Financial Disclosures |
3.1.1 | Introduction to Agenda Paper 3.1.2 |
3.1.2 | Working draft Standard AASB S1 General Requirements for Disclosure of Sustainability-related Financial Information |
3.1.3 | Changes made to IFRS S1 text in Agenda Paper 3.1.2 |
3.2.1 | Project scoping – Climate-related disclosures: Industry-based information |
3.2.2 | Other matters on climate-related financial disclosures |
3.2.3 | Introduction to Agenda Paper 3.2.4 |
3.2.4 | Working draft Standard AASB S2 Climate-related Disclosures |
3.2.5 | Changes made to IFRS S2 text in Agenda Paper 3.2.4 |
Agenda Item No. | Document Title |
4.0 | Cover Memo: Climate-related Financial Disclosures |
4.1.0 | Executive Summary of Agenda papers 4.1.1 – 4.1.7 |
4.1.1 | Presenting the core content of IFRS S1 in the ASRS Standards (SMC 1) |
4.1.2 | Conceptual Content (SMC 2) |
4.1.3 | Entities that do not have material climate related risks and opportunities (SMC 3) |
4.1.4 | References to the SASB Standards and Industry-based Guidance on Implementing IFRS S2 (SMC 4) and the requirement to consider ANZSIC when voluntarily making industry-based disclosures (SMC 5) |
4.1.5 | Statement expressly permitting voluntary disclosures (SMC 6) |
4.1.6 | Index Table (SMC 7) |
4.1.7 | Interim reporting (SMC 8) |
4.2.0 | Executive summary of Agenda Papers 4.2.1–4.2.4 regarding NFP entities and public sector entities |
4.2.1 | Modifications to the objective of [draft] ASRS 2 for NFP entities (SMCs 23–24) |
4.2.2 |
Proportionality relief paragraphs for NFP entities (SMC 25) |
4.2.3 |
Scalability of disclosures for NFP entities (SMCs 26–27) |
4.2.4 | NFP public sector considerations (SMCs 28–29) |
4.3.0 | Executive summary of Agenda Papers 4.3.1–4.3.4 regarding ED SR1’s General Matters for Comment |
4.3.1 | Application of the AASB Sustainability Reporting Standard-Setting Framework (GMC 30) |
4.3.2 | Regulatory issues (GMC 31) |
4.3.3 | Audit and Assurance challenges in relation to ED SR1 (GMC 32) |
4.3.4 | [Draft] ASRS Standards providing useful information for users and being in the best interest of the economy (GMCs 33–34) |
4.3.5 | Costs and benefits of applying the proposals in ED SR1 (GMC 35) |
Agenda Item No. | Document Title |
3.1 | Staff Paper: Service Performance Reporting. A working definition of 'service' |
4.0 | Cover memo: Climate-related Financial Disclosures |
4.1 | Climate scenario analysis |
4.2 | Cross-industry remuneration disclosure |
4.3 | Scope 3 GHG emissions relief |
4.4 | Superannuation entities |
4.5 | Financed emissions (revised) |
4.6 | Carbon credits |
Agenda Item No. | Document Title |
3.1 | NFP Private Framework project cover memo and project update |
3.2 | Tier 3 Exposure Draft Proposals – Business combinations and goodwill |
3.3 | Tier 3 Exposure Draft Proposals – Intangible assets other than goodwill |
3.4 | Tier 3 Exposure Draft Proposals – Approach to transitional requirements |
4.1 | Cover Memo: Presentation and Disclosure in Financial Statements |
4.2 | Summary of AASB’s comments on ED/2019/7 |
4.3 | Considerations for not-for-profit, public sector and superannuation entities |
4.4 | Ballot draft version of AASB 18 Presentation and Disclosure in Financial Statements |
4.4A | Appendix D for Ballot draft version of AASB 18 Presentation and Disclosure in Financial Statements |
4.5 | Preliminary assessment document for Impact Analysis purposes |
5.0 | Cover memo: Climate-related Financial Disclosures |
5.1 | Non-mandatory ASRS 1 |
5.2 | Scope of [draft] ASRS 2 |
5.3 | Cross-industry metrics |
5.4 | Measurement method for GHG |
5.5 | Definition of greenhouse gases |
5.6 | CO2 equivalent conversion |
5.7 | Market-based Scope 2 GHG emissions |
5.8 | Scope 3 GHG emissions categories |
6.1 | Business Combinations – Disclosures, Goodwill and Impairment - Stakeholders feedback, staff analysis and recommendation |
7.1 | Proposed amendments to the Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting |
7.2 | Draft of an Exposure Draft |
8.1 | Income of Not-for-Profit Entities |
9.1 | Research Update |
10.1 | Document Open for Comment |
11.1 | Other Business - Public |
12.1 | Update on international and jurisdictional perspectives |
Agenda Item No. | Document Title |
3.1 | Staff Paper: Preliminary overview of stakeholder feedback on EDSR1 |
4 | no papers applicable for this agenda item |
5 | no papers applicable for this agenda item |
Agenda Item No. | Document Title |
3.1 | Cover Memo – Post-implementation Reviews: Superannuation Entities |
3.2 | Draft Feedback Statement – PIR AASB 1056 and Interpretation 1019 |
4.1 | Revised project timeline |
5.1 | Update on international and jurisdictional perspectives |
7.1 | Documents Open for Comment |
8.1 | Other Business |
Agenda Item No. | Document Title |
3.1 |
SPR project plan |
4.1 | NFP Private Framework project cover memo and project update |
4.2 | Tier 3 Exposure Draft Proposals – non-financial assets acquired at significantly less than fair value and primary financial statements |
4.3 | Working draft of Tier 3 Exposure Draft |
4.4 | Summary of the application of the Board’s approach to drafting the Tier 3 Exposure Draft |
5.1 | Cover memo: Tier 2 Disclosures |
5.2 | Ballot Draft |
6.1 | NFP CF (incl. SAC 1 amendments) |
7.1 | PIR Superannuation Entities |
7.2 | Collation of comments |
8.0 | Cover memo: PIR NFP Income |
8.1 | PIR NFP Income |
8.2 | Grants received in arrears |
8.3 | Research grants |
8.4 | Statutory Receivables |
9.1 | Financial Instruments with Characteristics of Equity – Feedback summary and staff analysis |
10.1 | Research and PIR Update |
10.2 | PIR Project Update |
11.1 | Documents Open for Comment |
12.1 | Other Business – Public |
14.1 | International Update |