Registration now open for 2024 AASB Research Forum

Thursday, September 5, 2024

We are thrilled to announce the launch of registration for the highly anticipated 2024 AASB Research Forum! The Australian Accounting Standards Board (AASB) will be co-hosting the Forum with the University of Technology Sydney on Wednesday 6 November 2024 at the Hilton Sydney,with both in-person and virtual registration options available.

This year’s forum, ‘Accounting and Reporting in Changing Times’, will focus on highlighting the latest advancements in accounting and reporting standard setting. The Research Forum will also showcase four sessions featuring esteemed keynote speaker Professor Christine Botosan (FASB member), Linda Mezon-Hutter (Vice Chair, IASB), Professor Ann Tarca (IASB member) and industry leading experts.

The Research Forum is a premier annual event that brings together a diverse audience of researchers, practitioners, preparers, users, directors and regulators. It is dedicated to advancing the understanding of practical implications of accounting standards. In past years, we have welcomed over 300 participants from various industry sectors nationwide.

Click here to register. Alternatively scan the QR Code below.

Further information on the topics and presenters is available from our 2024 Research Forum Page.

Program Highlights

We are thrilled to have academics and stakeholders from different sectors of financial reporting share their insights on various research topics. This year’s Forum will have four core research sessions, where each session will begin with a research presentation followed by a panel discussion and Q&A session.

The research topics for 2024 Research Forum include:

Session 1: Keynote Presentation - Conceptual Framework

Session 2: How Do Firms Estimate Recoverable Amounts for Goodwill Impairment Testing? An Empirical Investigation

Session 3: Is Australia Ready for 'Nature' Disclosures?  Current Practice and Perspectives

Session 4:Twenty Years of IFRS in Australia: Reflections and Forecasts

For those attending in-person, please join us for a networking session after the main program to connect and exchange insights with fellow attendees.

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